

Is Neptune hot or cold

Updated: 10/25/2022
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14y ago

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Neptune is very cold on the outside, but deep inside the planet, it's hot! The pressure at the core of Neptune is several million times greater than the pressure at Earths surface.Neptune's core is hotter than the sun. The heat inside Neptune supplies energy for strong winds. The winds on Neptune may be the fastest in the entire solar system.

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14y ago

cold ANSWER Everyone knows that Neptune is cold but some scientist believe that the water on Neptune is over 4,000 Degrees.

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Is Neptune's core cold or warm?

Neptune is thirty times farther from the Sun than we are, and is so far away that the Sun just looks like a star, so as you can imagine the upper atmosphere is freezing cold - just -225 degrees Celsius! This is extremely cold. However, inside Neptune it is hot - very hot - and reaches tens of thousands of degrees, hotter than the surface of the Sun! This immense difference between Neptune's bitterly cold upper atmosphere and seething hot core causes huge convection currents to flow through the planet, stirring its air and causing Neptune to have the fastest winds in the solar system.

What are the Differences between Mercury and Neptune?

it is bvery boeufhajbc oip;ENB fhkdKP{C ∏

Hot hot is Neptune?

Hydrogen, Hilium and methane gas are the three components that make up Neptunes atmosphere.

How hot is the planet Neptune in Degrees Celsius?

Actually, Neptune is not hot but, it is to cold because it's mean surface temperature is -200.15 C ( 387.27 F).For more information about the Planet Neptune or the other Planets, visit the link below:

How hot is Neptune in its core?

It can't get hot. Neptune is freezing cold, with an average temperature of ?218

Is neptune rocky and cold?

No. Neptune is a gas planet.

Neptune the 8th planet from the sun cold or hot?

Neptune is Freezing cold because all warmth and light comes from the sun, which happens to be eight planets away. No surprise nearly all its moons are made from ice.