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Yes it can. Narcissism is really a person that considers "their way" the right way and will argue until death that they are right. Narcissistic people can be perfectionists in many aspects of their lives and this, in turn, can lead to an Obsession Compulsive Disorder. Say your husband was a slob, but when he was going to go fishing with his buddies he had all his equipment laid out in a certain manner (a certain place for a certain item) and it had to be just right and if you came along and moved anything they could well fly into a fit of anger. Don't be so sure that person with OCD is Narcissistic. OCD is a true disease (repetitive habits) and the brain is the most undiscovered organ in the body (odd to me, because that is what keeps us moving and functioning) and it hasn't been until the last 10 years that scientists are beginning to realize how amazing our brains really are. We are much more capable of expecting more from our brains than we realize. Such as ESP (mothers usually have this) or, if looking after someone you love that is very ill the caregiver may "get a feeling" that something isn't right with the person they love and rush home to see what is wrong. Mental Telepathy is high on the list too. I do research on the brain in particular and got interested in it because in the past I've suffered from panic attacks and Agoraphobia and at that time little was known about it. I am always up-to-date on what is going on scientifically and one thing that I always knew and mentioned to my husband is that scientists are beginning to realize that in the not too distant future they will be able to insert a sort of "pacemaker" into the brain and control certain functions of the brains way of thinking and who knows, this could lead to helping people with other diseases which will not allow them to control different parts of their body. They are striving for this electronic device to be accepted by the FDA in the next 5 years. Here's hoping! Only a professional can diagnose a person, and if we do this to a family member or friend then we are practicing "arm chair psychology" meaning, we are smug enough to sit back and label someone and think we know it all. If you want to help anyone with psychological disorders it's best to get them to a psychologist. Marcy

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18y ago
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13y ago
AnswerThe two disorders are sometimes co-morbid (they can appear together).
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17y ago

very often a N. is OCD as well..having obsessive compulsive disorder is commonly found. they are control freaks and must always be in control.

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16y ago

Of course it's possible.

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Q: Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder common among Narcissists?
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Generally, no. Stealing for profit is a typical, though unsavory, normal, human behavior. If the stealing is compulsive, however, with no regard to value, and with no recognition that the act constitutes theft, it is a kind of hoarding behavior associated with certain personality disorders, most common are Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Boderline Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, as well as certain neurological injuries.

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