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Yes, English slang is.

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Q: Is Slang is an informal variety of standard English?
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Is slang an informal variation of standard English?

Pretty much

Is slang an informal variety of standard English?

Yes, slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo (see euphemism). It is also used to identify with one's peers.Cite:

What form of English is slang?

Slang is a form of informal language that deviates from standard or formal English. It is typically used in casual conversations to express familiarity, create group identity, or add emphasis or humor. Slang terms and expressions differ between regions, social groups, and subcultures.

Is formal English a standard English?

Formal English is THE standard English. This is in oppsoition to informal English which is spoken English and includes slang and colloquialisms.

Does formal English describe the term slang?

No, slang is very informal language.

What is non standard english?

Non standard English is informal or not proper. It does not follow the structural, grammatical rules for correct English.Examples include slang such as "It ain't true" or colloquialisms such as "Y'all come back, now."

What is non standard?

Non standard English is informal or not proper. It does not follow the structural, grammatical rules for correct English.Examples include slang such as "It ain't true" or colloquialisms such as "Y'all come back, now."

Is black English a native variety of English?

No. It is idiomatic slang.

What are the differences between formal and informal English?

There may be special meanings of "formal" and "informal" English with which I am not familiar. Formal English would be "standard English", and would be of more importance in written communication. Standard English would be the use of vocabulary and grammar that is as free as possible from idiomatic, slang or otherwise specialized use that would not be universally accepted or understood by fluent speakers world-wide. Informal English would be the English that local communities use, with all the idiomatic, slangy and quirky richness that that implies.

What is the difference between formal and informal slang?

There is no formal slang. Slang is informal language.

Can you use slang in an informal letter?

Yes, in an informal letter it is OK to use slang.

When do you use slang?

Slang is used in mainly informal or casual speech and sometimes in informal writing.