

Is an atom microscopic

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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No. Atoms are submicroscopic, meaning they are too small to be seen even with a microscope.

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14y ago

The atomic radius of chemical elements has values between 0,3 and 3 ångströms;

1 angstrom is equal to 10-10 meter.

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Q: Is an atom microscopic
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Niels Bohr believed that an atom is similar to a microscopic planetary system.

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It is obviously a nitrogen sulfur atom. :)

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No, an atom is not an ecosystem. An ecosystem refers to a community of living organisms and their interactions with the environment, while an atom is the basic unit of matter. Ecosystems are macroscopic and involve multiple organisms, while atoms are microscopic and do not involve living organisms.

Why does the atom has a structure with the fact that you can't even see a molecule?

You can't see atoms because they are microscopic. You can't see molecules because they are also normally microscopic. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it has no stucture.

What are two particles account for almost all of the mass of an atom?

Protons & Neutrons. They are found in the nucleus of the atom and weigh roughly 1800 times what electrons weigh - with the electrons 'orbiting' like a microscopic 'solar system'.

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Basically, all magnetism is caused by electric currents - movement of charges. At the microscopic level, magnetism (in a permanent magnet) is caused by the spin of the electron, as well as the electron's orbit around the atom.

Name 4 microscopic things?

Anything that is 'microscopic' can only be observed with the aid of a microscope and cannot be directly observed with the naked eye. Examples include microorganisms (any unicellular organism, single cells, molecules, atoms, etc.)

What did Albert Einstein invent that made him famous?

Albert Einstein created the atom, and discovered that the atom could not be seen unless underneath a microscopic lens. Also he proved that you could not turn blue, unless you were very very very, depressed.