

Is an infinete loop an example of syntax error?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes. Loops need to have a termination argument or else the program will continue running until it runs out of memory and then crash.

A termination argument is some guarantee that the program will eventually end.

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Q: Is an infinete loop an example of syntax error?
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Is an infinite loop an example of a syntax error?

No. A syntax error is a statement that fails to compile. Infinite loops are simply loops for which the number of iterations is unknown. However, all loops, whether counted loops or infinite loops, must have a reachable exit condition. If a loop does not have a reachable exit condition then it is a logic error, not a syntax error.

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Break statements:-its terminates the current while or for loop and continue the program execution from the statement following the terminated.NOTE:-note that it is wmlscript syntax error to use the break statement outside of while or a for statements.example;Breakstatement:Break;Continue statement:-this statement terminate execution of a block of statementin while or for loop and continues execution of loop with the next iteration.note that the continue statement does not terminate the execution of loop and also is wmlscript syntax error to use the break statement outside of while or a for statements.-> in while loop, it jumps back to the condition.-> in for loop,it jumpsto the update expression.syntax:continuestatement:continue;

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Semantic or Syntax errors are errors in the way a programmer has written his code. The code does not conform to language standards and is incorrect. Ex: for(int i = 0, i++, i<10) { } The above is a syntactically incorrect declaration of a for loop in Java. The compiler would not let you compile this code successfully.

Is it possible to use a for loop in place of a while loop?

Yes. while loop consist of only condition statement to make for loop look as while loop we can use syntax shown below: for(;condition;) eg: for(;i<=n;)

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do { //statements }while(condition); The statements inside the block get executed at-least once, no matter what condition you have placed. Only from the 2nd time the condition is checked, simply because the condition is at the last. for(initialization; condition; updation) { //statements } Here the statements don't get executed even once if the condition fails initially. The condition is at the entry itself.

What is semantic and syntactic?

Syntax refers to the set of rules that govern what sequences of symbols are valid programs or not. Semantics refers to what the various syntactic constructs actually mean, what they do, and so on.

How do you use if statement syntax in a for loop?

You can use any number of if staments within a for-loop, eg: for (i=0; i<10; ++i) { if (i=1) printf ("%d=1\n",i); }

What are while loop in

The while loop in uses the syntax form which provides a way to continue iterating while one or more conditions are true.