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It is good because without it lots of people would have died from having no cure for their diseases.

It is bad because we are taking lots of animals lives away when we can set them free to live happily.

Monkey are being used to find a cure for Parkinsons.

Shampoo is tested on rabbits eyes to see if it is alright for us, because rabbits eyes are very sensitive.

Basically there is no one to tell you whether it is good or bad it is totally up to you, it is what you think.

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12y ago

Animal Testing is Good and Bad.

It is bad because, the animals die and it is disgusting.

And it is good because, you don't have to be experimented on, the animal do.


Yes animal testing is good and bad.

On the good side, we have the fact we don't get bad side effects from un-tested lotions and shampoos/makeup or medicines and drugs. We get the best out of our products. We don't die when we take drugs for our headaches or colds, we can find cures to new things. We learn.

On the bad side, animals aren't just killed to test products, but are put through tremendous pain and suffering before dying. Some tests can be done on the dead bodies of animals, which is not so bad. But, some tests, like those involving drugs and medicines or testing out products in the eyes, can cause extreme agony to animals. Rats, mice, rabbits, pigs, dogs, ferrets and chimps are often animals that are used this, as they have similar body functions in some ways to us.


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