

Is back ache a symptom of pregnancy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Yes back ache can be a symptom of pregnancy but can also be mistaken for period back aches. Most common notice of pregnancy is a missed period. Back ache will begin to happen when your stomache becomes heavier and is making room for your new baby, the spine begines to change shape so that there is enough room for your baby to grow.

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Q: Is back ache a symptom of pregnancy?
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Yes, a back ache can be a symptom of pregnancy, but don't just go on that. There are many other signs, such as: sore breasts, nausea, morning sickness, intense tiredness etc. You should take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

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Then you're not pregnant. Those are just PMS symptoms (except foot pain, which isn't really a pregnancy symptom either until about 32+ weeks)

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yes, but usually this occurs further in your pregnancy, because the baby is pressing on nerves.

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Every person experiences different symptoms of pregnancy...the best thing to do is take a pregnancy test after you have missed your period and if it is positive then you need to confirm it with your doctor.

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No. Your tummy will ache but you wont have aching eyeballs.

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This is usually a symptom in the last trimester - due to the increased size of the baby in the womb, pressure on the sciatic nerve or discomfort of ligaments due to hormones.

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It can be, but it's not a main symptom

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No, fever is a symptom of infection or dehydration.

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no it is not if your are pregnant the pregnancy is not progressed enough for back aches but keep a close eye for other symptoms

Can lower back pain along with nausea and swollen breasts be a symptom of pregnancy Due for pms today has not come?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test