

Is bidcactus trustworthy

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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I just received 20 points as bid credit because I joined after I clicked on an ad. I thought the offers (like an overstock) are quite interesting. Sure, if all starts with 0.00 Dollars, you think you can make a bargain. But then I found out that I had to buy more bids. And 50 bids costs $ 37.50 (this is the minimum), yes, 0.75 USD per bid you give and with each bid your money account shrinks. I did it to learn more.

If you like to play and loose money, do it. Other call it a casino. I do not go to casinos. We have some in Miami ;-)

This webpage looked serious, but it is a scam. I do not trust this page and will not do it again. I won one giftcard for 25USD. I have to pay USD 37.50 as a minimum to be able to bit, 0.33 USD after the auction closed and shipping costs of USD 2.50.

I tried to bit on an iPad 2, after the official auction time was up, a lot of people bit, or maybe machines bit here, because some names are so creepy, I guess, machines are bidding as well to push the price up.

After 5 hours the auction was finally won by someone. Congratulations. But overall this person pays now 32 USD and bit 214 times, the maximum (who does not won) was 305 times. But now you see the business model. If 32 USD has to be paid, it might not be much money for the one who won, but these are 3,200 bids each worth 0.75 USD. This is 2.400 USD for the bidcactus llc, the article was worth USD 699. So, there is no limit and the income must be tremendous for the owner of bidcactus for all the nice gadgets we want to have. This is basic human business. Wanna have... yeah...

bidcactus is a nice business model or a scam?

Decide for yourself. I am done with it - after one day. To summarize it, it is not trustworthy.

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12y ago
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