

Is cell without nucleus is living or not?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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There are many cells without nucleus.Examples are bacteria,arche bacteria,mamalia erythrocytes etc

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Q: Is cell without nucleus is living or not?
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What is Cell with nucleus?

It is called a Eukaryotic cell

Is a nucleus a living cell?

No but a nucleus is in every living cell

How is the nucleus of an atom the same as the nucleus of a living cell?

It is the control center of the atom as the same a the for the nucleus for the living cell.

What can't a cell do without its protoplasm?

The protoplasm of a cell is the colorless material comprising the living part of a cell, including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles. Without it the cell will not live.

Why is the nucleus important to a living cell?

it is the most important part in the cell. it is like the brain of the cell. it controls everything. i hope this information helps.

What is a microscopic living thing consisting of one cell and without a nucleus?

a prokaryote (bacteria, for example).

Are very small simple cells without a nucleus?

Every cell has a nucleus. Without a nucleus there is no DNA in the cell and if you didn't know the nucleus is the brain of the cell.

What is the name for a cell with a nucleus?

It is an Eukaryotic cell. A cell without a nucleus is a Prokaryotic.

Can a cell survive without the nucleus for a short time?

no, a cell can't survive without its nucleus as nucleus is the main brain of the cell. *****A red blood cell is without a nucleus and can survive for 120 days. This cell is very unique to the body because of this.

A cell that has a nucleus?

Basically any cell; without a nucleus how will the cell know its function?

Why is the nucleus so importaint to the living cell?

in humans heart is important similarly in cell nucleus is important. The nucleus controls you the cell and tells it was to do. You would have no cell if it weren't for the nucleus.

What if a cell had no nucleus?

There would not be a cell without a nucleus it is like saying what if a human without a brain. It is impossible.