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Q: Is employee salary considered tax deductible for small business?
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What is employee confidentiality?

Employee Confidentiality is sort of like a rule that an employee has some confidential trust, usually with their employer or business associates, about ceratin aspects of the job, private conversation, salary, and so on.

How does the accounting treatment of a partner's salary differ from that of an employee's salary in a partnership?

How does the accounting treatment of a partner's salary differ from that of an employee's salary in a partnership?

How do you fetch second highest salary from table?


Is cash shortages enough reason to dismissed an employee?

for me,.it is not must the reason why the employee were dismissed,.the corporation or the business administration might payed the initial salary of each employee,.because here in philippines,.it is very hard to fill those employee who are patient,.try to inform or try to conduct survey which regard to the initial payment of salary....

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Salary increment notice?

A salary increment notice is a letter that notifies an employee of a pay increase. The short letter gives the employee notice of the terms of their salary increase.

IS Employee and employer contribution can be duducted from the Employee Salary Please Guide Soonly.?

It depends on your terms of agreement for the job. In most cases, company's pay you by CTC - Cost To Company. In such cases, both employee and employer contributions are considered a part of your salary and the CTC. So, Yes, it is possible and is done in a majority of the private sector cos

What is the difference between business and employment?

Business creates employment. Employment starts with the initial stage of business(public ltd, public sectors, gov jobs etc). Business has its owner and earn as a profit. Employment has a employee of a business and earns as a wages and salary.

At BIT labs, the monthly salary for an employee depends on the number of hours of training that employee has had The company's salary chart is shown below How many salary outputs does the chart have?


What does someone need to do to increase their pay of a pediatrician?

Unless the 'someone' is the paediatrician's employer, salary issues are private between the employer and employee and not the business of 'someone'.

What is the average salary of a NASCAR employee?

The average salary for a NASCAR employee depends on the specific job in question. For example, a manager's salary ranges from $95k to $104k, and the salary for a software engineer ranges from $75k to $81k.

How do you get the highest pay employee in an oracle database?

Select employee, max(salary) From employee Group by employee Order by one DESC The employee with the max salary will be the first one reported. Another way would be to use a analytical rank function.