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Yes it is. You can easily check it out yourself by using a tributyrine based agar. If Enterobacter aerogenes builds a lipase action enzyme, the surrounding of your colonies will be much clearer. If you have any other questions, I suggest you the Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology.

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Q: Is enterobacter aerogenes lipase negative
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Enterobacter aerogenes is a Gram-negative, oxidase negative, catalase positive, citrate positive, indole negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is generally found in the human gastrointestinal tract. It is amylase negative.

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the enterobacter spp when viewed under the microscope are gram negative rods,but their rods are longer than that of the citrobacter allthough it is also a gram negative organism

Where is Enterobacter Aerogenes found?

E. aerogenes is generally found in the human GASTROINTESTINAL TRACt

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The color that would TSI media be after 48 hours icubation with enterobacter aerogenes is black.

What are results for a acid-fast test for enterobacter aerogenes?

Enterobacter aerogenes is a non-acid fast bacteria. Bacteria only in the Mycobacteria and Nocardia genus are acid fast.

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alpha-glucosidase test: using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (included in chromogenic media), but not using alpha-methyl-glucoside fermentation. Cronobacter (E. sakazakii) are positive for this test and E. aerogenes are negative.

What carbohydrates can Enterobacter aerogenes ferment?

90% to 100% of Enterobacter aerogenes strains can ferment glucose, sucrose, and lactose. The same percentage of strains produce gas as a byproduct of that fermentation.

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Urine after eating asparagus

What is Enterobacter aerogenes cell size in micrometers?

Enterobacter aerogenes are classified as coccobacillus, based on their cellular morphology. They are rod-shaped (bacillus), but short and almost spherical (coccus).