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Q: Is every thing in the universe made out of star dust?
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Why do you feel like an alien?

we are from the universe we are made out of universe dust we are all one thing the univers there is no aliens, it one big family

Is a notebook made up of matter?

Every single thing in the universe (except vacuums) are made up of matter.

What is every thing made out of?

Everything in universe is made of atoms, atoms has a nucleus which includes proton and neutron and with electron circling outside the nucleus.

Is the black death made of cells?

Yes it is made of cells, EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE UNIVERSE is made up of cells. I am only in 7th grade, and I know that.

What is out of space when not in space anymore?

well the universe is endless, but the universe is made up of many galaxies, and galaxies are made of planets and stars and dust etc.

What is the Univese mostly of besides dust and stars?

The universe is mostly made up of dust, stars and empty space. The universe is so large and grows daily, so that means that even more empty space is added to the universe daily.

What is matter in the universe made of?

eve thing is made of atoms!

What is ultimate aim of the whole universe?

moksha moksha is the concept relating to souls, universe made of five elements-matter,space, water, air and fire will remain same altering every thing in the universe moment to moment.

What is every object in the universe a part of?

Every object in the universe is part of the universe because everything such as air,desk,chairs, anything is made up of atom which the world is made up of one huge atom.

What is the univere made up of?

the universe is composed of stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, dust, and gas.

How much dust do you inhale every time you breathe?

You inhale 1 pound every month about. And 14 pounds of dust every 9-12 months. Dust is made of dead skin and hair and particles.

Is every thing on earth made of atoms?

Atoms exist throughout the universe. the most common atom in the universe is hydrogen. Helium is the second most common found in the universe, and oxygen is the third.