

Best Answer

young people especially should think about this question. you can't go around calling

everyone a narcissist. a Narcissism is a serious mental and character issue. a person

chooses how they treat others. a bully is a bully. it's a choice. people can learn and

grow together, and some people just aren't right for each other.

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Q: Is he a narcissist or just afraid of responsibility?
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Can men be afraid of their baby?

Their not afraid, the bad men hate responsibility

Why would a narcissist want you back if he thinks you cheated on him?

Why would you WANT to go back? Narcissists will make up stuff to blame you with just to get out of the relationship. They NEVER take responsibility. Do NOT go back. Institute NO CONTACT and run!

How does narcissism affect an individual?

depending on if your the narcissist or just someone around the narcissist..... if you are the narcissist dont worry it wont effect you. You will just continue on with your selfish ways and use people for what they can do for you. If your someone around the narcissist..... RUN- get out while you can. The only way to really survive is to not have them in your life

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Answer: Don't. Period. Just...don't.....

How do you win an argument with a narcissist?

just dont start it

If a narcissist turns into a malignant narcissist can they loose their charm then act only monotone and passive?

They don't "turn into" a destructive narcissist... they just drop the "nice guy" facade they used to lure you in.

Can anyone be a victim of a narcissist if NO why if YES then who?

Yes anyone can be a supply for them,anyone that is Not a narcissist ,and to be a victim you just need to be a human being with feelings.

Why did Lauri Lusby have an affair with a married man at her church for 8 years?

Because she is a malignant narcissist and refuses to accept responsibility for her hurtful behavior...

Why would a narcissist agree to marriage if they are afraid of commitment?

Perhaps he (or she) has overcome his fear of commitment. And perhaps he has found the woman that he feels is genuinely right for him.

Is Sarah Palin a narcissist?

No. She's just outspoken and outgoing.

Is it true that sometimes the Narcissist will be extra nice to you just before you're discarded?

There is no rule in these matters - so, no, it is not universally true. It depends on the narcissist in question.

Why would a Narcissist stalk and harass when you leave him instead of just acting like you do not exist and moving on?

Because he doesent want to lose that control, he doesent want to lose you, you fuel his needs, narcissist dont think just anyone will put up with them. Narcissist fear greatly being a lone, no one to abuse and they just have to be depressed.