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Q: Is hemp stronger than manila
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Is hemp stronger than steel?

yes the hemp plastic, it is up to ten times stronger

A drawing of manila hemp?

There is an image of manila hemp in related links.

What is the drawing of manila hemp?


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What is the origin of the manila folder?

The word manila in the name "manila folder" comes from manila hemp or abaca, from which manila folders were originally made.

What is made from thermoplastic paper manila hemp?

A Tea Bag

What are the different processes to creating manila paper?

The process of creating manila paper is much simpler than the creation of other more high quality paper. Manila paper is made from semi-bleached wood fibers, and it weaker than most other paper. Also manila paper is originated from the Philippines and they created it out of hemp.

Information on Banana fiber-part of plant from which fiber is obtained?

manila hemp

What is the difference between hemp which is called jute and hemp which is called sleek?

Hemp isn't jute... Hemp is from a different plant. It has longer fibres and is softer. So jute is used for stronger fabrics for furnishings, and hemp is used for clothing.

Why Manila paper is named Manila paper?

Manila paper is named after the capital city of the Philippines, Manila. It was originally made from Manila hemp fibers, which were sourced from the Philippines. The paper's characteristic color and texture led to it being associated with the city of Manila.

What is the name of a Philippine plant related to the banana that is a source of manila hemp?

The word you are looking for is ABACA.

Is cord a man made fabric?

Not always: manila hemp is a a natural fiber, so is cotton.