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No, it is not. The Arabic word jihad means to struggle. Various narrations from the Prophet Muhammad emphasize that a war is the lesser jihad, the greater one being the struggle against the temptations that we face in our lives. Refer to question below for more details on Islam.

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Q: Is holy war an accurate translation of the Islamic term jihad?
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What was an Islamic holy war?

a jihad

What is the term for the Islamic holy war?

Jihad...a holy was undertaken as a sacred duty

What role did the concept of jihad play in Islamic history?

Jihad is Holy War so if missionaries come trying to convert Muslims, then Jihad happens against them. Jihad is a fight for Allah and his Apostles.

What is the name for an Islamic holy war?

There is no name for Islamic holy war. You were the resource persons thinking of Jihad, I Know Because the Media is a wild! The war Could Be Called Jihad, but Jihad Is not always war. Cowardly and war Is not suicide bombing, and killing innocents. But there is one the biggest war between Muslims and Infidel, the so-called "War of Badr"

What is the name of an Islamic holy war?

Jihad. A person who goes on jihad is a mujahid. However, the word actually means "struggle," and a generous interpretation defines holy war as "lesser jihad" and struggle within oneself as "greater jihad," so you can make the argument that simply saying jihad means holy war is oversimplistic. Those who identify themselves a mujahideen, however, are generally NOT claiming that they're engaged in rigorous self-examination.

What Islamic word is commonly mistranslated holy war even though it really means resisting evil?


Is holy war is an accurate translation of the lslamic term jihad?

My Dear, 'Holy War' is NOT an accurate translation of the Islamic term Jihad. because; > the Oxford dictionary meaning of the term 'Jihad' is 'to strive' or 'to struggle' or 'to-do-your-best-efforts', or 'to try hard' > nowhere you can find its meaning as 'War' > in Arabic language the word 'Jihad' is derived from another Arabic word 'Juhud' which means 'continuous struggle', > it should also be clear that Jihad has positive meaning and there is no negative meaning, e.g in all the above meanings are positive. But unfortunately, the media is propagating/using this word in a negative sense, > therefore, if a student is striving to be a good student by studying hard, then it simply means that he is doing Jihad, > similarly, if a social worker is continuously struggling to provide social service to humanity in the name of Allah, then he is doing Jihad, > if a Muslim is trying to be a good Muslim by acting on the golden principles of Islam, then he is also doing Jihad, in this sense, if someone (not necessarily the Muslims) is struggling to eradicate the antisocial elements/evils prevailing in any society (be its European society, Christan's society or Hindu society etc) then s/he is also doing Jihad.

What is the name for the Muslim holy war?

If you wish to translate such a concept literally into Arabic (which is the Islamic Holy Language), it would be "Harb Muqaddis", but usually when referring to Islam, a person is looking for the term "Jihad" which is an Islamic Struggle for Dominance (over Oppression).

How is called a holy war or struggle on behalf of the Islamic faith?

It is called Jihad. Refer to the related questions, listed below, for more information.

What is Islamic holy war?

It is called the Jihad. This is from:Islam An individual's striving for spiritual self-perfection.Islam A Muslim holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels.A crusade or struggle: "The war against smoking is turning into a jihad against people who smoke" (Fortune).[Arabic jihād, from jahada, to strive; see ghd in Semitic roots.]Source: "Jihad." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 19 Sep. 2009. .

Why has the FDA declared a Jihad against tobacco?

The FDA opposes tobacco because it deteriorates the health of those who use it, by causing cancer, low birth weight, and other problems. However, it is hyperbole to call it "jihad" or Islamic holy war.

Is the NRSV bible accurate?

The most accurate Bible translation is The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Its free to read or download at