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Q: Is hydrogen sulfide an acid or a base?
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Is hydrogen sulfide a strong acid?

Hydrogen cyanide in water forms hydrocyanic acid. It is not a base.

Will the combination of the cation of a base and the anion of an acid be a conjugate base?

Each cationic acid HA+, when it donates ONE proton H+, will form its conjugated base A of the acid HA+. (Example: NH4+ ammonium, acid NH3 ammonia, base)Each neutral acid HA, when it donates ONE proton H+, will form its conjugated base A- of the acid HA. (Example: CH3COOH acetic acid CH3COO- acetate, base)Each anionic acid HA-, when it donates ONE proton H+, will form its conjugated base A2- of the acid HA-. (Example: HS- (mono)hydrogen sulfide, acid S2- sulfide, base)Each anionic base HA-, when it adopts ONE proton H+, will form its conjugated acid H2A of the base HA-. (Example: HS- mono-hydrogen sulfide, base H2S di-hydrogen sulfide, acid)Each anionic base A-, when it adopts ONE proton H+, will form its conjugate acid HA of base A-. (Example: CH3COO- acetate, base CH3COOH acetic acid)Each neutral base A, when it adopts ONE proton H+, will form its conjugate acid HA of base A-. (Example: NH3 ammonia, base NH4+ ammonium, acid)

What is the compound name for H2S2?

Hydrogen persulphide, or hydrogen di0sulphide. It has the structure 'H-S-S-H'.

Is calcium sulfide an acid base or salt?

Calcium sulfide is a salt.

Is H2O a Lewis acid or base?

Being amphoteric water can react both: Lewis acid and Lewis base.

What is the name of an acid that donates two hydrogen ions?

There are many such acids including sulfuric acid, sulfurus acid hydrogen sulfide.

What are some compounds of sulfur?

hydrogen sulfide and sulfuric acid

Name of compound H2SO3?

Dihydrogen Sulfur Trioxide or sulfurous acid

What gas is given off when hydrochloric acid is added to zinc sulfide?

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is released.

What is the chemical name for fart acid?

The chemical name for "fart acid" is actually hydrogen sulfide (H2S). It is the compound responsible for the characteristic odor of flatulence.

H2S acid or base?

Dihydrogen sulfide H2S is a diprotic weak acid.

Ammonium sulfide an acid base or salt?

Ammonia, NH3 is a weak base in solution. Can pick up a proton.