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Cooling the tissues helps reduce blood flow by causing the local vessels to contract. This results in reduction in pain due to the numbing action of the ice, as well as through prevention of excessive swelling. Care should be taken to not immerse the ankle in ice-water, as this can result in frostbite or similar damage over a period time. Ice should not come in direct contact with the skin. After 24 to 48 hours, ice will no longer be effective in treating the sprain and should be avoided. Pain from a sprain can generally be managed with over-the-counter analgesics, specifically NSAIDS, such as ibuprofen or Naproxen Sodium. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) will work well for people who may be hypersensitive or allergic to NSAIDS. Be sure to follow manufacturer's dosage instructions and see your physician if the pain lasts more than three days or gets worse. It is also important to only ice for 15-20 minutes at a time. Leaving the ice on an injured area too long will cause more swelling instead of reducing the swelling. The body thinks that area is freezing and brings more blood flow to the area to protect it.

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15y ago
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14y ago

I have suffered from mid Back pain with intermittent muscle spasms between shoulder blades. Ice generally seems to be the best for me to ease the pain - I use a tea towel - soak in water & put in the freezer overnight.

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13y ago

The first thing you should do after a sprain is to put ice for the first 48-72 hours. The ice is used to decrease swelling and pain after an injury. You should always put ice on an acute injury.

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12y ago

Yes, ice is a good way to treat most injuries as the cold will dull the pain and prevent swelling. However, if the pain persists or if the ankle is swelling beyond control, it is probably a good idea to contact a physician.

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12y ago

Yes. It reduces the swelling and pain, and overall, makes it feel better.

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Q: Is ice a good treatment for pain in the ankle?
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If you have pain in your ankle and pain what should you do?

You should put ice on it and take a painkiller.

What is a remedy for ankle pain?

The most common way to treat ankle pain is with ice and a bandage wrap, but there are many more options. For more ways to treat ankle pain please visit

How can I treat an ankle running injury?

Treatment for an ankle injury will depend on what the injury is and how severe it is. If it is a simple sprain, ice on the swelling can cause some relief. You can also take some anti-inflammatories for the pain and swelling. If it persists you should see your doctor.

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Is it possible to provide yourself with sprained ankle treatment?

It is possible to provide yourself with a sprained ankle treatment. You need to ice it twice a day for fifteen minutes, you can wear compression socks and soak it in hot water.

What can I put on my ankle pain for pain relief?

Ice is the best thing for minor ankle pain. If the pain continues or gets worse, you should get an x-ray to see if you broke any bones. You also might want to look into a new pair of shoes to support your ankles better.

Would using ice be a suitable treatment for groin pain?

Ice would be very suitable. Ice has the properties to dull pain, which could be very helpful for groin pain. You can also use heat to help melt the pain away.

Quick ankle injury pain releiver?

The treatment for ankle pain varies according to the type of pain and injury the person is experiencing. iceing and using supportive bandages is a great start for all minor to medium ankle pain. Splints are for more moderate pain, and in some cases crutches may be a good solution. Ibprofen is a great pain killer and will help reduce the swelling as well.

What is the recommended treatment for someone who sprains their ankle?

If one sprains his or her ankle, they should do the following: Ice and compress the ankle to keep swelling down, keep the leg elevated while seated or lying down, and most importantly, get plenty of rest.

Is ice good for lower back and buttock pain?

Yes. I had back pain and ice helped a lot.

If your running and you role your ankle what should you do?

You should ice the ankle immediately. Ice ankle in 15 to 20 minute intervals. There will likely be swelling and bruising to the ankle. This is common. See you doctor.

Best way to help a sprained ankle?

If the ankle is broken it will need to be set in plaster. If it is "merely" a sprain, support with a crepe bandage should do the trick. In both cases, pain-killers will be needed, as ankle injuries can be very sore.