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It is unlikely. It becomes more likely when you can show that you have been to neurologist after neurologist and have tried many things. It becomes more likely when you have a letter from one of those doctors stating just how disabling they are AND how it would impact your ability to work. You need to show specifics, the vomiting, etc. It also becomes more likely if you are depressed because of your chronic migraines, because depression is more likely to be awarded SSDI.

Definitely get a lawyer to take your case. They take people much more seriously when they have a lawyer.

The SSDI process goes something like this. You are denied twice. Everyone is denied twice, except those with terminal illnesses. There are forms you fill out to appeal. After the second time you go to an informal hearing. This is where the majority of people get awarded SSDI. This whole process takes years. They want to wait people out. Some states, not all, allow people who are applying for SSDI to get on welfare while this whole process is going on. You pay them back with your retroactive check IF you get awarded Soc. Sec. If you do not get awarded Soc. Sec., they eat the cost. After you have applied for SSDI at your local Soc. Sec. office, go to the local welfare office to see about services they offer.

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Q: Is is likely to for a person to be awarded SSDI for chronic disabling migraines?
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