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If they are in pain then no.

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Q: Is it normal for chickens to have green ear lobes?
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What color ear lobes do roosters have?

The color of the earlobes is a general indication of the color of the eggs. A hen with red lobes usually will lay brown eggs. The exception to this would be the Easter Egger, Ameraucana, and Araucana breeds. They usually have red lobes but will lay eggs in colors ranging from khaki green (army eggs), sky blue, pink tinted, to the occasional lavender tinted beauty. This is all due to Genetics. The shell color is a result of pigments that are secreted by the hen and deposited on the eggshell's outer layers during formation in the chicken's oviduct. Brown eggs are from protoporphyrin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin. Blue and green hues are caused by the pigment oocyanin, a by-product of bile formation.

What causes some eggs to have brown shells?

The color of the eggâ??s shell is a reflection of the breed of hen. Breeds with white feathers and ear lobes, such as White Leghorns, lay white eggs. Those with red feathers or ear lobes lay brown eggs.

Why chickens don't have ears?

Ducks have ears on the side of their head, but do not have ear-flaps (or pinnae). The opening to the ear is covered by a special set of feathers called ear coverts (or auriculars).Ducks can close the entrance to their ears when diving, so that water does not get in.

Do chickens have ears?

No they don't.

What does it mean if your cat has green puss coming out of a hole on his ear?

A severe ear infection, caused by a shock, a foreign object, a bite, a bacterium, a fungus or triggered by an ear mite. You need a vet, urgently!

Related questions

Why can't chickens hear very well?

Because they have no ear lobes...

What happens when a person receives on alle for attached earlobes and one for unattached earlobes?

there one alle for free ear-lobes and another allele for attached if your gene for ear-lobes is made up of two alleles for free ear-lobes your ear-lobes are NOT attached and if you have two attache-ear-lobes alleles your ear-lobes are attached

If both parents have detached ear lobes can they have a child with attached ear lobes?

Yes they can, because they could get the genes from a grandparent, or even farther back if they didn't have detached ear lobes.

How big are your ear lobes?

if you are fat then your lobesare bigger than normal. also it depends on age, height, and how hairy your armpits are

Some people have attached ear lobes and some people have free ear lobes. The differences in these traits are caused by?

diffrent genes you idiot

Can you tell if your parents are your parents by their ear lobes?


Do ear lobes have nerves?

certainly, you can try it.

Body part with letter l?

lasheslegslipsliverlungslymph nodesleft hand, left side, left ear, left ventricle etc.ligamentslobes (lobes of the brain, ear lobes . . .)

Is it normal to not have ear lobes?

I asked my doctor about it and he said,"Sometimes it is, sometimes its not, depending." I'd say that is abnormal simply because a majority of people do have earlobes.

Does getting your ear lobes pierced hurt?


Where you place a earring?

Earrings get placed in ear lobes.

Does it hurt when you get your ear lobes percied?

of course it hurts.