

Is it normal for your dad to look at pictures of women?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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You might comment that you notice he is doing so. BUT, he is an adult and it is not your place to correct him or change his life--in privacy, this activity is not illegal.


NO. It is cheating. Your dad shouldn't be. You know why? Because he is choosin 'Pretty'(ugly) women over your mum. It is cheating, as he loves pretty women, not your mum. If this is the case, this is what you should do:

1. Confront your dad. If you arent confident enough to do it in person, then just email him.

2. What to say when confronting. Tell him you know his heart breakin secret.

3. Tell him all of the things your mum does for him. Like, for example, she cooks for him, she does all of the housework, etc.

4. Tell him HOW UNHEALTHY it is to LOOK AT WOMEN. It isn't porn, but it is like porn and very unhealthy to spen the rest of his life doing that rubbish.

5. Tell your dad how he would like it if your mum looks at pictures of men.

6. Tell your dad that is it very very very stupid to hate your mum only because she isn't pretty.

7. Ask your dad: "If you don't love mum, then why don't you tell her that you are looking at pictures of women?? You know, you don't even love her??"

8. Say to him " Mum loves you very much. The only thing that mkes this relationship bad is cause she doesn't know your heartbreaking secret.

9. Tell him that you are watching the web history. When its cleared, you would know hes up to his trick.

10. Tell him that if he ever looks at pictures of women again, he'll be down on his knees.

Don't listen to those who say that it is normal for a man. IT ISN'T. People who say that are only guys who look at porn or whatever, and they just want to pursuade kids that it is normal and you shouldn't tell mum. If your dad doens't stop, trust me, tell your mum. If she feels too too too heartbroken, tell her to read the book The Power, as this can solve relationships.(no jokes)

I hoped I helped you. Trust me, all of the confronting is WORTH IT. After your finished, give yourself a pat on the back.

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