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I had one wisdom tooth pulled while I was 5 months pregnant and it hurt really bad! First of all i had to have an X-ray so they put 4 of those vests on me and then since they couldn't give me novacaine they gave me lidocaine which is like nothing! I felt my tooth crack!! It hurt so bad. Then because I was pregnant, I wasn't allowed to take anything but tylenol. I might as well been popping tic tacs because the pain was excrutiating for days! If I were you I'd do my best to wait. Unless the pain is that unbearable. Sorry Im just being honest.

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15y ago

Yes, it's ok for your wisdom teeth to erupt while you are pregnant. But make sure they don't cause infection by rinsing your mouth with water and salt every day!

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Q: What happen if you get your wisdom teeth taking out while pregnant?
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Are wisdom teeth an example of human evolution taking place right now?

Wisdom teeth are vestigial organs, which are organs that have lost their original or primary function. Wisdom teeth were used when humans had a primarily vegetative diet and needed to chew through thick vegetation. Rather than an example of evolution taking place, wisdom teeth reveal the remains of evolution.

How do you get wisdom teeth?

You get wisdom teeth gradually as you get older. Normally this is between the ages of 17-21 but can happen any time bettween your late teens to your early 20s

Is it OK to get braces if your wisdom teeth may come in soon?

I don't know if it's OK. I have braces myself and my wisdom teeth are coming in right now. Unfortunatly, I have to get them pulled, if anything that's what would happen. You should wait until the wisdom teeth come in, and then get them pulled, because the metal bands may not fit around the wisdom teeth, and most people have more comfort when their wisdom teeth are pulled. I have braces and my wisdom teeth came through and my otho hasn't done anything to them.

How long will you be in hospital for when you have your wisdom teeth out?

When I had my wisdom teeth out I never went to a hospital. It was done in the dental office and that was that. If you are going to a hospital it will be an outpatient procedure and you won't stay. This really is NOT a major thing to happen.

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

What surgery did Jill and Jana duggar have?

Jana and Jill had their wisdom teeth removed.

What cures nausea after wisdom teeth extraction?

Right after you get your wisdom teeth out, you need to make sure you eat something, along with taking the prescribed pills and resting a lot. standing up and walking around can make you nauseous.

Are there people who don't get wisdom teeth?

Yes, wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are the most commonly missing or deformed teeth.

Which four teeth are the last to grow in a persons mouth?

The wisdom teeth.

Do you have to get your wisdom teeth pulled?

It's not necessary for you to get your wisdom teeth removed if they are correctly positioned in your mouth and do not cause any pain or dental problems. Visit

Are wisdom teeth baby teeth?


Which teeth are referred to as the wisdom teeth?

The teeth that are referred to as "wisdom teeth" are teeth numbered, 1, 16, 17, and 32. They are located the furthest in the back of the mouth. However, do not get these confused with the molars. The wisdom teeth come in where the gums are located.