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No, it is much better not to risk getting sick. Some people say that if you scrape of the mold it is OK, but i think you should throw it out, even if it is unopened

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Q: Is it okay to eat cheese with moldd on it?
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Unless you are lactose intolerant, yes.

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Yes, 10-day-old cheese should be safe to eat. If it has mold, you may be able to cut the mold off and the rest of the cheese should be okay.

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No. Cheese contains Dairy which if we have a lot of will make us pretty unhealthy. It's okay to have a slice or two of cheese but don't eat a whole block in one day.

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Uhm, cheese is okay... I guess. I personally don't eat cheese very often, but if you really like cheese, I guess you can say that it's awesome.I think cheese is great! I almost always pack string cheese with my lunch because it is just so good.

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No, because 1) Sharks are carnivores and eat only meat, and 2) there is typically no cheese found in the middle of the ocean.

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I suppose it all depends, well if you have a really strong stomach then it might be okay, but i wouldn't suggest trying to eat green cheese

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Cheese does not eat anything because cheese is not an animal. Cheese is a food product made from milk.

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