

Is it safe for a 14-year-old to lift weights?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Prett sure, but do not overdo your self, little amounts at a time, while brething with 12-15 reps, no powerlifting. Never lock out your joints. Do As much as your can handle with 12-15 reps each time, try not to fall under the 12 rep mark, if you do fall below 12, the amount is too much. Good Luck. I am not a trainer or anytinhg, but this is what ive been taught, and it seemed to work.

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Lift weights :-) Lift weights :-)

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if you do lift weights,be sure not to lift to heavy 11 and i lift weights ,and do push ups,and chin ups.

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It actually is okay to lift weights at your age. I am a 14 year old girl and i bench press a bunch of weights and i have not stunted my growth. Guys are mad to lift weights I'm not suppose to lift weights but i am strong enough to do it. The answer to you is yes.

How fast should you lift weights?

It don't matter how fast you list the weights, it all depends on how much pounds the weights are, and how often you lift them. But I wouldnt lift them to fast, because you might pull a muscle.

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Lift weights.

What is the present tense of lift?

Lift/lifts. As in: I lift weights. The man lifts the table.