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As this is in the LDS Temples category I will answer it from that perspective -

Laws vary by country, but in the United States, Mormon Temples and those ordained as Temple Sealers are recognized as authorities who can bind a legal marriage. If you are married in a Mormon Temple, it is recognized as a legally binding marriage by the government. It is NOT illegal to get married in a Mormon temple, and the Church has to operate under the laws of the government in performing a marriage within their temples.

If you do not get married in the Temple, but are married by another authority (bishop, priest, civil authority) it is still a legally binding marriage, assuming you went through the proper channels. It is not recognized as an eternal marriage by the Church, but it is certainly a legal marriage and is recognized by the Church as such. Your marriage does NOT need to be registered in the temple in order to be considered valid by the church.

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Q: Is it still illegal when you get married without even getting registered at the temple?
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