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It is gravity.

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Q: Is it the air pressure that keeps us on the ground or is it gravity?
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How does gravity affect the earths sky?

The sky is air and gravity keeps the air close to the ground so we can breeth it in .

What holds everything down on earth suction gravity or air?

It is the Earth's gravity that keeps our feet firmly on the ground.

How does the sky affect the earth?

The sky is air and gravity keeps the air close to the ground so we can breeth it in .

What cause air pressure?

Gravity pulling the mass of the atmosphere toward the center of the earth. Atmosphere includes air, water vapor, etc.

Does air have no weight as a result of gravity?

Air does have a weight! And it is because of gravity! Note that this is per definition true because weight is only defined in the presence of gravity. Perhaps you are confused about why the air is up in the atmosphere and not down here on the ground with us? This has to do with air pressure. You see, materials don't like to be compressed, which is what gravity tries to do. Gravity tries to compress the air to the ground, but faces increased air pressure as it does so. Basically what happens is that the air particles repulse each other and thus tend to drive them apart. This force increases if you force the particles to be closer to each other. As gravity tries to pull air down, the air pressure increases which counter balances the pull of gravity. In the end a stable system is formed where the air pressure is highest down near the ground and lowest up in the upper lays of the atmosphere. The air particles up in the atmosphere do feel gravity, but if they would move down they would feel an increased air pressure which pushes them up again!

Does air pressure affect gravity?

Gravity is a function of mass and distance. So, no air pressure does not affect gravity.

How does gravity effect your life?

Are you serious? You really don't know how gravity affects your life?Well, let me tell you, it keeps you on the ground if there was no gravity the you would be floating in he air while you were reading this.SRAMH

What force acts on gliders in the air?

Gravity, from the Earth, pulling it towards the ground, and Lift, applied by the air due to pressure difference on the wings (high pressure below the wing, low pressure above the wing). The faster the glider goes, the greater the Lift. Gravity does not change however.

Air pressure is due to what?

an air compressor Or gravity if you mean atmospheric pressure.

How does gravity influence the movements in air hockey?

Gravity keeps the puck near the table.

Why does air pressure happen?

Air pressure is a product of the operation of gravity on the mass of atmospheric air. If there were insufficient or no gravity on Earth, the atmosphere would drift off into space. There would be no air pressure. But, because there IS gravity on Earth, the atmosphere presses down on Earth's surface, resulting in the phenomenon known as air pressure.

Why do objects fall to the ground and do not just float into the air?

Objects fall because of gravity a force that keeps us on earth and stops us from floating away.