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yes it is true. Thanks for asking i like science!

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Q: Is it true that if you bump your head your personality could change?
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Can a minor bump on the head from falling in the shower change your personality a little there may be no brain damage but can it change your personality Is everyone different how the head responds?

A truly minor bump probably could not do that; a change in personality is probably a symptom of another, potentially much more serious problem that you should see a doctor about ASAP.

What could a small hard bump with a scab be on your head?

a penis

What is Sinus headache that turns to a bump on the head then turns to scab?

A sinus headache that turns into a bump on the head and then turns into a scab could actually be a boil. You should see a doctor for confirmation.

Do bumps on your head reflect your intelligence and personality?

No. According to, "Phrenology" is "the study of the shape and protuberances of the skull, based on the now discredited belief that they reveal character and mental capacity". A blow to the head could cause a bump, and a severe blow could cause changes in intelligence and/or personality. However, the shape of the head, with or without bumps, does not reflect intelligence or personality. Bumps on the head give accurate information about the bumps on the head, nothing more. They are bumps. An interesting piece of trivia: in a test of Phrenology the skull of the Marquis de Sade was said to possess the attributes of an aged father of the church.

Big bump on the back of your head?

There are a few ways to get a bump on the skull. A person could for example bump their head.

Your ferret has a medium size bump on his head?

Could be an abscessed tooth Could be cancer. Go to a vet ASAP

What could it be if you have a bump on the lower base of your head it is located on the left side and it hurts to touch and it hurts to move my head as well as smile?

did you hit your head? ....

What is a round quarter size bump on top of head that doesn't move or doesn't hurt a child?

A round quarter size bump on top of a child's head could indicate a cyst. Cysts are not painful and are common in children in the head region.

Is it bad if a bump raises after hitting your head?

A bump is not bad. It is just an area of swelling. If it was a hard blow or you passed out at all.

Why does my cat bump his head on hard surfaces?

Bumping of the head could mean your cat isn't seeing right or could be a sign of illness, I would get a vet to look at him/her

You woke up this morning with a large bump on your forehead very painful the pain seems to go the top of your head as well and no you didn't get hit in the head or bump on anything an can't find a doc?

If you woke up with a large bump on your head, you need to keep a close watch on it. It could be a pimple or possibly an insect bite.

Does butter cure a bump on the head?

No butter does not cure a bump on the head, but try spreading it on your toast it tastes great.