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it acually is..

i hopee i gave youu the right answer.. i think i am right haha

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Q: Is it true the higher your cholesterol the higher the rate of getting a heart disease?
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True or false the higher your blood cholesterol the greater your risk for heart disease?


Does low cholesterol diets help your heart?

A low cholesterol diet does help your heart. Having low cholesterol can help keep you safe from getting a heart disease. It has been shown to reduce your risk.

What kind of heart disease that's got weak heart high blood and low cholesterol always getting cramps in the heart?

man gina

What exactly is HDL cholesterol?

HDL stands for high density lipoprotein and is a necessary part of everyone's diet. The higher your HDL number, the lower your overall chance of developing heart disease. The key is to keep your total cholesterol low while ensuring that your HDL is higher than your LDL.

Why is hdl cholesterol the good cholesterol?

HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol because is flows in the bloodstream and removes harmful cholesterol from the areas in which it doesn't belong. If you have high HDL levels of cholesterol it will reduce your chance of getting heart disease.

Is heart disease inherited?

It is not inherited like say.. Sickle Cell Anemia, but if you have a family history of Heart disease, you do have a higher chance of getting it.

How are lipid panels and high cholesterol testing connected?

Both lipid panels and high cholesterol testing are looking for the same thing- they look for high amounts of lipids and cholesterol in the bloodstream. The higher the number, the higher risk for heart disease.

Is cholesterol the cause of heart disease?


Can you get heart disease from alcohol?

Heart disease, atherosclerosis, elevated cholesterol, and several other cardiovascular problems.

What does it mean to have heart disease?

Heart disease is when your cholesterol gets so high and your blood pressure gets so high, you are at a constant risk of a heart attack. You can reduce this risk of getting it by regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.

What is the disease caused by cholesterol?

heart conditions which could lead to heart attacks

What kind of cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease?

Low-density lipoprotein refers to LDL or bad cholesterol. This cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis (a form of heart disease) because it clogs arteries. It contains very little protein and a lot of cholesterol.