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No. It is mix of state control and private enterprise. The ideology of Libya is from the "green book" which rejects communism.

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No, but it may be in the future.

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No, Zambia is not a communist country.

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Q: Is libya a communist country
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Is lybia a communist country?

Libya is not a communist country. Libya is governed under a constitution adopted in 1977 by the national legislature established in 1976. The governing principles are a blend of socialism, Islamic political theory, and Libyan tribal practice, and were adopted as an alternative to capitalist liberalism and communism.

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Most Communist countries are a totalitarian government. This includes North Korea, Vietnam, and China. Also, I think the country of Libya follows a dictatorship, but is not communist.

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Algeria and Libya share a border, so in that way, there is no country between them. However, Tunisia is between part of Algeria and part of Libya, so that is the country that could be the answer.

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Libya is a country in Africa.

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Libya does.

When was Libya formed as a country?

Libya as a land is known for thousands of years, But in 1951 when italy lost control of libya. Libyam country was formed known as Kingdom of libya.

What is the capital of the mediterranean country west of Egypt and east of Algeria?

That country is Libya, and the capital of Libya is Tripoli.

Which country first colonized libya?

The first country that colonized Libya was Italy (1934~1943)