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11y ago

yes, BUT you will not lose pure FAT, which should be the goal of weight loss. The weight you lose will also include water, muscles, even organ tissue. If you consume too few calories (1,000 might be too few, especially if you are male), your body will actually stop burning fat, and you won't lose ANY fat. The end result will be that you will weigh less, but your body fat % will be higherand you will LOOK fatter.

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11y ago

That depends completely on your BMI (Body Mass Index) and your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Your BMI is how much body fat you have in relation to your height and weight. You can check that here:
You're BMR is how many calories your body burns simply by existing (heartbeat, breathing, etc.) You can check that here:
However, you have to add to this number how many calories you burned going about your daily routine (highly depends on your lifestyle) plus however many calories your burned doing any extra exercise. It's considered EXTREMELY dangerous to eat anything under your basal metabolic rate which, unless you're two feet tall and weight 50 lbs., is definitely higher than 1, 000 calories. Plus, you have to factor in any other movement/exercise you get. If you are getting 1,000 calories a day, you are STARVING YOURSELF. While technically you will lose weight from this at first, it will in the long run cause you to gain more weight. Do you know why? Whenever an organism begins to starve, its body triggers a "survival mode". Basically, you're body slows its metabolism down to a grinding halt and converts any energy it takes in into fat. I promise you, you will inevitably succumb to hunger and binge. While the binge itself might not even be that big, your body will immediately convert it all to fat. If you really want to lose weight, make sure you get cardio exercise and build lean muscle mass. Believe it or not, having muscle actually helps you lose weight. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. And please, don't starve yourself. I don't know anything about you height or weight wise, but I'd recommend getting at least 1,800-2,000 calories a day, probably more.

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14y ago

Given that most people require 1500 to 1800 calories a day minimum, you should lose weight.

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Q: Will eating 1000 calories a day cause weight loss?
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How much weight can you lose in 20 days eating 1000 calories a day?

About 40 pounds but i wouldnt recommend eating 1000 calories it damages your organs in leads into death.

Will eating less than 1000 calories a day make you gain weight?

Probably not.

What will happen if your diet does not have sufficient calories over the space of a month?

Eating less than 1000 cal/day can and most likely will cause weight gain.

How much weight will you use only eating 1000 calories a day?

For the average adult, eating under 1200 calories/day is considered starvation. A normal amount (taking into consideration weight and activity) should range between 1800-2200 calories/day. Initially, you may drop weight quickly eating only 1000 calories but when your body realizes that you are not giving it enough fuel it will start to hold on to everything you put in to it.

How much weight can i lose eating 1000 calories a day?

probably 1 every two days,if you exercise too.

How much weight can I loose eating 100 calories a day?

This is extremely dangerous. Please strive to eat at least 1000 calories a day. You will lose weight that way with proper exercise and plenty of water.

How much weight daily can you lose eating 1000 calories a day?

This question does not make sense. It all depends on how many calories you are easting now. For ever 3,500 calories less you eat, you will loss a pound

Why wont you lose weight if you eat less than 1000 calories?

You will eventually lose weight on a 1000 calorie diet. On such a low calorie intake, the body starts eating away at muscle for nutrients. This is not good. Consult a registered dietician.

This is for your coursework in health and fitness How much weight can be lost in one week when eating 100 calories or less And how much weight can be lost in a week on a diet of 1000 calories?

It depends on your metabolism and calorie expenditure. Let's say your body naturally expands 2000 calories a day. If you eat 1000 calories a day and expend 2000 calories a day you are losing 1000 calories worth of weight a day. A pound of body fat roughly requires 3500 calories to be expended. At this rate, within a week you'd create a calorie deficit of 7000 Calories, which equates to about 2 pounds lost. Good Luck

You used to eat under 500 calories a day you have now upped it to 1000 calories a day will you still lose weight or will you get fatter?

500 calories is close to starvation, 1000calories would be better for your health and it is unlikely to cause weight gain. 1500 calories would be better still for your health.

How long would it take to lose 5 pounds and also eating 1000 calories a day?

if you eat about 1000-1200 calories and workout around 4 days and 2 hours then you should see the weight come off in 2 weeks!!(: -good luck

Is eating under 1000 calories per day considered anorexia or an eating disorder?

A 2000 calorie a day diet is normal for the average adult. Anything less nay be trouble depending on the size, weight , height and age of the person. it wouldn't be a eating disorder if a small child ate 1000 calories a day. eating disorder are MENTAL ILLNESSES how much or how little one eats isn't really the disorder. No, just because someone eats less than 1000 calories doesnt mean they have an eating disorder, they could just be on a crash diet. eventually (usually within days or weeks) they will stop no harm done.