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A dictator is who rules based on what he himself wishes out of any law. but Iran has Vilayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists). it means in Iran the ruler should rules only based on laws of Islam even if it is against what he himself wishes.

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11y ago

Answer 1

No, Iran is a Theocracy. It has religious rulers. Certain Shiite clerics really rule the country through the president and legislature.

Answer 2

In the strictest sense, Iran is a Republic because it has an elected legislature. However, the pre-selection of candidates is done in such a thoroughly undemocratic process, that it is as if it were a Dictatorship.

Answer 3

Yes, Iran has religious rulers who are very extreme, of course as the result there is no democracy and freedom in Iran and unfortunately is getting worse every day.

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13y ago

It's a democracy, but it's a bit of a sham. It does have an elected President and a Parliament, but candidates have to be approved by a Guardian Council, and some Reformist candidates have been barred from running. There have also been accusations that elections have been rigged, which caused the recent protests.

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8y ago

No. Israel is a parliamentary democracy, and there are a number of Muslim Arabs who have been elected to the Knesset. All Israeli citizens (Jews and Non-Jews) have equal personal rights and communal rights under the state structure of Israel.

However, it should be noted that the Palestinian Territories, specifically the West Bank excepting Jerusalem. are maintained under Israeli martial law, which is an effective dictatorship. These territories are not part of Israel proper. Other Occupied Territories, such as the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are annexed to the Israeli civilian administration and citizenship has been offered to the Syrian Druze and Palestinian populations in these areas respectively. Both groups have been hesitant to accept this citizenship, but have accepted residency cards in lieu of this.

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9y ago

Iran's government is defined as a theocratic republic. A theocracy is ruled by religious leaders who are believed to be acting on behalf of their deity. A republic is run by a democratically elected leader. In Iran, the government is run by an elected president, parliament, local councils and an "Assembly of Experts"- all of which must follow Islamic principles.

Because of its theocratic elements, Iran is typically considered an Illiberal Democracy (as opposed to Liberal Democracies like the United States, France, Germany, et al.). That is to say that while there are certain trappings of democracy, they are not sufficient to create a truly democratic atmosphere. Several things that Iran has which make it a democracy include: regular voting periods, different candidates, and different parties with conflicting interests. Several things that Iran has, which preclude it from being a Liberal Democracy include: suppression of political expression, unelected leadership (in the form of the Supreme Leader and his council), repression of political parties, widespread voting fraud, restrictions on the freedom of speech and in the press, required loyalty oaths (this prevents members of Parliament from speaking out on issues for minority constituencies which have been harassed by the government), and unbalanced campaigning (where the "desirable" candidate can slander other candidates, but cannot himself be publicly slandered to the same extent).

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14y ago

He has been criticised for many other things, but no, by most standards he is not a dictator.

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Of course he is. he is a liar.

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