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Yes, the distance of the electrons from the nucleus is approximately relative to the distance from the center of a football field to the edges. In between is empty space.

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Yes, most of an atom is empty space.

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Q: Is almost all the volume of an atom empty space?
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Is the most of the volume of an atom empty space or nucleus?

Most of the atom is empty space (between the electron orbitals and the nucleus itself). If your talking about nucleus vs. electrons then the nucleus is larger in volume and mass

How do you prove that volume of an atom is chiefly empty space?

The mass and volumes of electrons are not significant compared to the volume of an atom.

Rutherford concluded from his calculations that the volume of an atom is?

its mostly empty space

Does a proton make up the most volume of an atom?

No. The proportion volume taken up by the protons in an atom is incredibly small. The vast majority of the volume of an atom is empty space.

What conclusion is based on the gold foil experiment and the resulting model of the atom?

an atom has hardly any empty space *********************2nd Opinion*************** Just the opposite. An atom is almost entirely empty space.

How will you prove that volume of an atom is chiefly empty space?

This may appreciate knowing the volume of the atom, and the total volume of atomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons).

What part of the atom occupies all the volume?

Almost all of the volume of an atom is the space between the nucleus and the electrons.

Where does the majority of the volume of an atom come from?

It is the empty space between the nucleus and the electron shells.

The reason a granite block is mostly empty space is that the atoms in the granite are?

Yes, this is essentially true. Well over 99.9% of the mass of any atom is in the nucleus. The electrons in their orbitals around that nucleus actually determine the spacial volume that the atom occupies. And on an atomic scale, the distance from the nucleus to the outer boundaries of the electron cloud is enormous. The atom is mostly empty space, and, therefore, anything made up of atoms is mostly empty space.

Subatomic particles can usually pass undeflected through an atom because the volume of an atom is composed of?

largely empty space

What do you think the majority of an atom is made of?

Nearly all the mass is in the nucleus; however, the bulk of an atom's volume is empty space.

What makes the volume of an atom?

An atom is made up of protons and neutrons in a nucleus surrounded by electrons in orbital shells. The majority of the volume however, is empty space.