

Is water more dense than mud?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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No, because mud is a mixture of water and dirt, which is denser than water, so the average density is greater than water. However, water tends to mix with mud, which may give the illusion that it is more dense.

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12y ago
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Dirt and water are quite similar when it comes to how heavy they are but dirt would probably have to be heavier than water.

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Mud is heavier because sand always goes on the bottom.

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Q: Is water more dense than mud?
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How is energy conserved in mud houses?

The mud house is less compact than the brick + cement house and on absorbing solar energy, the mud house does not oscillation much and probably, the air trapped in mud house walls may be insulator but bricks are more conduct of heat. So not much heat is passed in building in mud house.

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When you fall on a mud floor, the mud compacts down like a pillow. It is soft and slows down your fall. But the cement floor is very hard and rigid. It does not compress down like a pillow. So you feel the impact alot more.

What is a solution A glass of flat soda.B air in a scuba tank C bronze alloy D mud in water tank?

Mud is not a solution.

How does a prism light bend?

A prism doesn't bend light, you need a strong gravitational force to achieve that.The thing a prism can do to light is split it into its component parts by a process known as refraction.ANS 2: Imagine a parade marching diagonally across a parking lot. They march off the pavement on an angle into the mud. The parade bends towards the mud because the side that hits the mud first moves slower than the side that is still on the pavement. The parking lot is like the air and the mud is the glass and the parade is the beam of light. As light passes into the prism from the air, it slows down and bends (refracts) towards the glass. The speed of light through a dense medium is slower than through a less dense medium (index of refraction). The colors in white light get separated because the blue light doesn't bend as much as the red light because it has a shorter wavelength (it moves through the mud easier). One test for fake diamonds is to drop the fake diamonds into oil, they will seem to disappear because the index of refraction of fake diamonds is the same as the oil.

What state of matter is mud classified as?

Mud is a liquid or semi liquid mixture of water and soil. It can also be used in construction work to mean mixed cement or plaster before it sets

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What happens when you mix mud and sand together?

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Assuming you mean the usual sort of "oil", there is nothing that is both less dense than oil and more dense than water.You have effectively asked the buoyancy equivalent of "what number is bigger than 3 but smaller than 2".Oil is less dense than water so nothing can float in oil but sink in water. If it floats in oil it would have to be less dense than oil so therefore, it will float in water.

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Then it becomes more diluted mud.

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Mud does absorb water.

Why are mud houses cooler than concrete and cement houses?

Mud houses are more cooler than concrete houses because they absorb more heat and evaporate quickly than concrete houses

Do bears eat mud puppies?

More than likely, No. They don't eat mud puppies. Mud puppies are large salamanders they get to be up to 16 inches long. Most salamanders are not very tasty to mammals. Bears forage on mostly anything but I have never heard tell of them eating water dogs/mud puppies.

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Is clay compacted dense mud?

No, clay is a deposit made up of hydrous aluminum phyllosilicates. Mud is i mixture of fine grained minerals.

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Pigs do not eat mud. Actually pigs are really neat animals. They only go in mud because their skin is very sensative. They can also go in fresh water but when there isn't there go in mud. No, they do not eat mud. They eat slop, which has corn, oats, carrot and more. 8)

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