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No. We cannot compel God to do our bidding. Jesus prayed that God's will be done not our will.

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Q: Is praying a way of compelling God to do our bidding?
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How is prayer done?

there are not "perfect" ways of praying. just pray the way that you want because praying is the way how we communicate to God.

Our author says praying is wasting time with god. why?

Praying is not a waste of time, it connects you with God and you develop a relationship with him that way. some do not believe this

What is one way you can developthe habit of praying?

As serious as breathing - praying is like breathing - talking to God, praying for your enemies informally and formally all the time way beyond church on Sunday for an hour and a half.

How does praying to god help us develop characteristics of God?

It's actually the other way round. Developing Characteristics of GOD would help you in how and what you pray for. Just starting to pray without knowing who or what you're praying to is like walking in darkness.

What kind of pray is expressing your thoughts about God to one another?

Vernacular Prayer is bringing God's name back into everyday language - 'Thank God' or 'Thanks be to God' during conversation.

Why do Muslims pray five time each day?

It is per Allah (God in English) command. Praying is a way to get closer to God and to request God forgiveness and support.

Is there another way to honor ones god other than praying?

That depends on your god. Personally, I think the best way to honor any god is to lead a good life, take care of others, and generally be a good person.

What is the best form of praying?

The best way to pray is to bend your knees and fold your hands and pray to God.

How Was Yom Kippur Celebrated During Jesus' Time?

The same way it is celebrated today - by fasting and praying in synagogue to God.

Is it true that you get 18 days of wishes on Hanukkah?

No, there's no such concept in Judaism. And by the way, we believe in praying to God, not making wishes.

How are families developed?

By reading God's word and praying for God to help you to raise a child "in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." By having fellowship with God, families are brought into peace and contentment.

What do Muslims direct their pr ayer to?

Prayer is to god and to god only. When praying we face the direction of the Qibla, which is the Kaabah in the Al haram masjid, Saudi Arabia. We pray this way as we are told to pray this way in Quran.