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No it isnt! Definitely not. I gives you pleasure and adds bonus years to your life!

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Q: Is putting water up your nose bad for you?
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Are boogers bad for you?

Yes boogers are bad for you because dust and nose hair and bacteria are up your nose you dirty boy/girl stop picking your nose

Will water up the nose to lungs?


Does putting bread up your nose stop the tears from chopping onions?

Hello, my name is Sydnee. No, I do not think sticking a bread up your nose makes the tears stop.

What is turning up the nose?

Go look in the mirror - see what you are doing when you turn your nose up? You are putting your face in the air as if you don't want to look at something - or smell it, or taste it. If you turn up your nose at something, you reject it - just as if someone had set something in front of you and you turned your nose up to avoid it.

Why does your friend put butter on her cats nose after it pukes?

Cats often throw up hair balls and putting butter on their nose is suppose to help with the hair balls. By putting it on the nose the cat licks it off. A better solution is a hairball cream made just for that purpose.

What is a nose plug for swimming?

It is like a clip for your nose. It is used by swimmers. It prevents water from going up the nose.

Why is putting your middle finger up bad?

Putting up the middle finger is usually intended as an insult that is equivalent to dropping the "f-bomb"

Is it bad to Sniff Candy up your Nose?

Why would you want to? the only thing you should concentrate on sniffing up your nose is Fresh Air. Eat the Candy!

How to swim underwater without holding your nose?

This is the easiest way to not hold your nose underwater. When you go underwater, blow bubbles out of your nose. This will prevent the water from entering your nose. Just blow bubbles out of your nose frequently and no water will get up your nose.

What is the burning in the back of your head when you look up submerged and water fills up your nose?

Water Logged

Jalpaneo burn on nose and eye what to do?

you can't ease the pain but you can "forget" the pain by putting an habanero pepper up your butt!

Is it bad to stuff crushed smarties up your nose?

Umm yeah what if they got stuck?