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i think its like small airborn seads or eatier its like polian

sorry about my spelling

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Q: Is reproduction the function of mushroom spores?
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What is a function of a gill?

The function of gills on a mushroom is to hold and release the spores that a mushroom produces.

What is a function of a mushrooms gills?

The function of gills on a mushroom is to hold and release the spores that a mushroom produces.

Why must a mushroom produce so many spores?

large surface area.

What is the function of a zygosporangium?

It collects spores before to reproduction.

What is the function of gills of mushroom?

Reproduction , it contains basidia .

What function do spores perform for Fungi and Mold?

Reproduction and dispersal

What kingdom is spores?

If you are talking about mushroom spores, then Fungi If you are talking about mushroom spores, then Fungi

The gills on the underside of a mushroom are used for?

The gills of a mushroom house the basidia, the cells on which the spores are produced. The gills function as a large surface area over which to produce millions of spores that is exposed air yet protected from large fluctuations in air temperature, moisture, etc.

Are magic mushroom spores legal in Alabama?

Yes, the spores are, but the mushroom that is grown from it is Not.

What structure does a mushroom produce for reproduction?

A mushroom reproduces in many manners, including asexually. Spores are the structures that mushrooms produce in order to send reproductive signals to other mushrooms.

What is the job or function of the cap like top part of a mashroom?

It is used for the spread of the spores of the mushroom

What is mushroom spore and give me the picture how it looks?

Sporulation is a form of asexual reproduction in mushrooms. Actually, mushroom spores are asexual bodies which can lie in dormant stage for a long period of time and germinate when exposed to favorable conditions. It is not possible to provide a picture of a mushroom spore as answers do not support pictures. Do a Google ImageSearch to get images of mushroom spores.