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Q: Is synaptic transmission always from pre to post synaptic?
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What is the small space separating pre and post-synaptic neurons?

synaptic cleft (also known as "synaptic gap")

What are the principles of synaptic transmission?

Calcium ions enter the presynaptic neuron resulting in the release of neurotransmitter from the per-synaptic membrane. The neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft, fusing with the receptors of the post-synaptic membrane. This changes the sodium channels to open and sodium ions will to flow into the post-synaptic neuron, depolarizing the post-synaptic membrane. This initiates an action potential. After the post-synaptic neuron has been affected, the neurotransmitter is removed by a type of enzyme called cholinesterase. The inactivated neurotransmitter then returns to the pre-synaptic neuron.

How exitatory and inhibitory interact in normal nerve function?

propagation of impulse pre synaptic to post synaptic

what are the differences between pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neuron?

Yes. A synapse by definition is the space (gap) between one neurons terminal buton and another neurons dendrites. So, the neuron with the terminal buton end is known as the pre-synaptic neuron and the neuron after the synapse is known as the post-synaptic neuron.

When a presynaptic neuron is stimulated in a patients body by an electrical current neurotransmitters are released from the?

The synapse between pre synaptic and post synaptic neuron. Here the acetylcholine is released. It is destroyed by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in milliseconds, once the impulse is passed to the post synaptic neuron

Which is the space that separates two neurons?


Describe the general structure of a synapse?

Synapses occur between two neurons. Electrical activitiy in the pre-synaptic neuron influences the post-synaptic neuron. There are two types of synapses in the body: Electrical and chemical. Electrical synapses occur in pre and post synaptic neurons that are joined via gap junctions. Currents from action potentials flow across the junction through channels called connexons. This current will depolarize the membrane of the post synaptic neuron to threshold, which will continue the action potential in the cell. Electrical synapses are fast and bidirectional. However, they are mainly found in cardiac and smooth muscles, and not in the mammalian nervous system.Chemical synapses use neurotransmitters. Depolarization occurs in the pre-synaptic neuron and calcium ions rush in. The calcium ions activate neurotransmitter release into the synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitters reach the post-synaptic neuron and cause action potentials to develop.Note: this can go into much more detail

What role does neurotransmitters play in neurotransmission?

In between 2 neurones is the synaptic cleft, the gap between the pre and post-synapse. NTs are the molecules which activate receptors on the post-synapse during synaptic transmission, The activated receptors initiate intracellular mechanisms such as ion channel opening, G-protein activation, etc, which can inhibit or produce action potentials (nerve impulses).

What neurotransmitters that perpetuates muscle contractions?

Neurotransmitters are extracellular signaling molecules released at the synapse by the pre-synaptic nerve, and carry the signal to the post synaptic neuron. They include acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine and gamma-amino butyric acid.

How do electrical impulses go across synapses?

An electrial nerve impulse travels across a synapse by diffusion. The neurotransmitter substance from the pre-synaptic cleft travels across the synapse via diffusion. This is then received by receptors in the post synaptic cleft

Functional connection between two neurons is a?

functional connection between two neurons is the transmission of electrical signals from one neuron to another through a synapse. When an electrical impulse reaches the axon terminal of the pre-synaptic neuron, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the post-synaptic neuron, allowing the electrical signal to be transmitted and continue the communication between neurons.

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