

Best Answer

The GM diet is safe for most diabetics. However, before you start any type of diet, check with your family doctor.

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Q: Is the GM diet safe for diabetics?
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These diets that are designed for diabetics are actually not suggested for children. This is due to the fact that many children do not have the nutritional needs met if kept on this diet.

Can you recommend a standard diet plan on the market that works well for diabetics?

The best diet plans for diabetics is the standard diabetic diet. Accompanied with the right exercise plan for you. As a diabetic you should already know what you can and cannot eat. Speak to your doctor about what exercise are safe and effective for you.

Is actimel safe for diabetics?

Yes as part of a controlled diet, not every day , but an occasional healthy drink. Fat free option is better for diabetics or people with higher cholestral.

What is a diet plan that is safe for diabetics?

A good diet plan for diabetics is one that helps them control their blood sugar by eating at regular intervals and choosing a variety of nutritious foods. It is important for diabetics to eat foods that are high in nutrients but limit fat and carb intake. Visit

Will the glycemic index diet help diabetics?

Most diabetics eat low glycemic index foods, which are good for you. It not only helps control diabetics It can also help even out blood glucose levels.

Is there any book that has special diets for diabetics?

The Type 2 Diabetes diet Book is one way you can find information on it. Another is the Diabetics Diet. And there last one is the Diabetics Weigt loss diet.

Juice fast how healthy is it Is it safe for diabetics?

A juice fast is healthy and with doctor supervision can be safe for diabetics.