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no. Amoebas are unicellular eukaryotic organisms that belong to order Sarcodina and Kingdom Protista. they move by using pseudopods.

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Q: Is the amoeba a unicellular prokaryotic organism?
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How many cells does amoeba have .?

An amoeba is a unicellular organism.

What organism is unicellular and prokaryotic?

All prokaryotic organisms are unicellular. Eukaryotic organisms are multicellular

What is a unicellular organism?

An unicellular organism is single celled organism. For example- bacteria, archaea, amoeba

What is the definition of an amoba?

Amoeba is a unicellular organism

What is an amoeba-?

An amoeba is a unicellular, genderless organism that belongs to the Protista kingdom & can reproduce through asexual reproduction. Amoeba are the unicellular, microscopic organism which moves by the help of pseudopodia (false foot)

What is an example of a living thing with only one cell?

you mean unicellular organism then we have following organisms which are formed of only one cellAmoebaParameciumEuglenaPlasmodium etcthey all are unicellular eukaryotic organisms and prokaryotic organisms include bacteria and cyanobacteria

Why is an amoeba not an animal A It is asexual B It is unicellular C It is prokaryotic D It is autotrophic?

It is autotrophic...

How many cells are in a amoba?

Amoeba is a protist.It is a unicellular organism.

If you discover a unicellular organism that moves by what appear to be pseudopodia you conclude that this organism is?

A type of amoeba.

What is the name of a single celled organism?

AmoebaA single-celled organism is also called a unicellular organism._________________More Detailed:_________________Not only the single celled organisms from the family Amoeba, but also bacterium are single celled or unicellular.

Are amoebas lower multicellular organism?

No amoeba are unicellular protozoan and are eukaryotic

Why amoeba is considered as a simple organism?

The Amoeba is considered a simple organism because it is unicellular protozoan, or an animal composed of only one cell.