

Best Answer was widespread across continents and countries and not just localized like an epidemic.

The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague and Bubonic Plague, was a catastrophic plague that began in Asia and then was spread into Europe between 1346 and sporadically until the late 1700's; peaking between 1347-1351. It killed tens of millions of Europeans. It was caused by a bacterium that was carried by the fleas of rats who gave it to humans when the rats died and the fleas looked for a new host.

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12y ago

By nature, the Bubonic Plague was contagious. It was spread through medieval towns by fleas that carried the bacterium Y. pestis. The fleas fed off of rats, which ran rampant in medieval households due to poor hygiene. When the rat died, the flea would jump to a human and pass the germs to the human as they sucked the human's blood. The rats traveled from port to port and city to city in grain shipments. Because medieval European medicine was primitive, nobody understood how disease passed from person to person, and so they let it happen and viewed it solely as an act of God.

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14y ago

The black plague does still strike a very small number of people today and is treated with antibiotics.

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10y ago

Well, not anymore. However, when it first struck the world, yes, it absolutely was an epidemic.

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10y ago

The black death was epidemic.

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Was the plaque around in 1642-1646?

If you are referring to 'The Black Plague', then no. the Black Plague was around from 1347-1349.

What is the cure today if you get the black death?

Black Death is an old name for the Plague, which is still around. Antibotics are used very successfully.

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Another name for the plague is the black death

Do you still have black death today?

Yes, The black death is the bubonic plague. Though it is rare, there are still modern cases of the disease.

Where is the Black Bubonic Plague stored?

in the fleas that were carried around on rats

How is the black death plague spread?

By fleas which were carried around by rats.

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Black plague

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the black plague

What is the date of the end of the black death?

The Black Death (AKA The Bubonic Plague, The plague) didn't really "start" or "end" on specific dates. There are some rare cases of The Bubonic plague today. The peak of the Black Death was around 1347- 1352

Can you re catch the black death?

the black plague does still exist today, however it is a really rare disease

Do people still die of the black plague?

No, we now know the bubonic plague was caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis that we have antibiotics to treat.

Is black plague infectious?

The Black Plague is a infectious disease.