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Yes it is. Colleague means: A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization; an associate.

So substituting the definition for the work colleague in "fellow colleague" gives you: "fellow fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization; an associate".

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Q: Is the expression fellow colleague redundant?
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Is the expression fellow colleague correct usage or is it redundant?


What is the diff between collegue and coworker?

Colleague and coworker are similar words yes but have different meanings. Colleague is a fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty; an associate. And Coworker is someone who works with another; a fellow worker.I hope tthat answrs ur question

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Because they make you sound moronic...

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Speakers and writers use redundant expressions because they fear the audience didn't hear or understand them the first time. When speaking, redundant expression may be appropriate. In writing, redundancy is almost never appropriate.

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there isn't one. "fellow" is male or female.Main Entry: fellow Part of Speech: nounDefinition: male or female colleague, friend Antonyms: enemy can mean a colleague, but the outdated usage refers to a male of low status, the female equivalent is wench.You will still hear certain groups of people use this archaic term. For example in rap, they refer to boys as "fellas" and girls as "bitches", which replaces wenches.

What is the deff inition for fellow?

A fellow is a person who is a member of the same group or category as another person, often used to refer to someone who shares a specific characteristic or affiliation with others. It can also refer to a companion or colleague, particularly in an academic or professional setting.

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Is your ex-colleague.

How do you spell who are you with?

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