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In the English language the only letter that can be considered a consonant or a vowel is the letter Y. The letter W is a consonant.

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Q: Is the letter w considered a vowel or a consonant?
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Why w is consonant?

W is a consonant because it is not a vowel.

Is c a vowel?

W is a vowel sometimes, as is Y. There are words in Welsh that use only a W. An example would be the word tow. Without the W the O would not be long. This illustrates that the W is forming a diphthong, which mirrors the use of the letter U from which it developed. After a vowel, W is considered as a vowel, with an "au, oo, or oh" sound. Before a vowel it is considered a consonant, with its "wh" sound.

In the word two is w a vowel?

'W' cannot be a vowel, the only interchangeable letter is 'y'. Here in the word 'two' 'w' is a silent consonant.

Why is w?

W is a consonant because it is not a vowel.

What is a consanant vowel?

A consonant is a letter in the alphabet other than a vowelA vowel is English is a, e, i, o, u (and sometimes w and y)

How many consonants in sew?

"There are 2 consonants in sew, as 's' and 'w' are consonants and 'e' is a vowel. 'A' 'E' 'I' 'O' and 'U' are vowels, and every other letter in the English language is a consonant." Actually, the word "sew" has only one consonant: s. When the letter "w" ends a word after following a vowel (or in other places where it forms a "diphthong"), the "w" is technically a vowel.

What are the silent letters in Wyoming?

None. All of the letters in "Wyoming" are sounded: "W" consonant, "yo" diphthongal vowel, "m" consonant, "i" vowel, "ng" blended consonant. As noted above some the letters sound together as pairs of vowels or consonants ("yo" vowel and "ng" consonant).

Is the letter w in the word withdrawal a vowel?

No a W is never a vowel. The only vowels are A,E,I,O,U and sometimes Y no, there are only five vowels in the English alphabet: A, E, I, O, U; once in a while though we use Y as a vowel as in the word FLY

Is 'y' classed as a vowel?

All words have to have a vowel in them. The five orthodox ones are a,e,i,o,u. However in words such as 'why' and 'sky', the 'y' can be taken to be the vowel. Y is considered a semi-vowel.

Which consonants are pronounced as vowels?

The voiced consonants l, m, n, v and z are "vocalic," and may be pronounced continuously without any proper vowel at all. The letter Y is both a vowel and a consonant. The letter W is pronounced as a vowel in diphthongs such as how ("ha-oo").

When is the last letter in a verb doubled to make it present continuous?

For verbs of one syllable with one vowel and one consonant, the consonant is doubled. stop → stopping, run → running, get → getting. If the final consonant is -y or -w it is not doubled. Play → playing, show → showing.

When was the letter U added to English alphabet?

Bo U and W were added for the same reason: to distinguish between the different uses of the letter V (one as a consonant, one as a vowel, and one as a glide).