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No. Only two platypuses have ever been known to be bred whilst in captivity.

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Q: Are platypuses on a breeding programme?
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Do Platypuses live with other Platypuses?

Generally, no, platypuses do not live together. They are usually solitary animals. The female and babies may live as a family group until the next breeding season.

When do platypuses have their young?

Platypuses have their young during the breeding season, which is Australia's spring and summer, from about September through to February, sometimes extending to March.

How many babies do platypuses usually have?

Platypuses breed just once a year. Each breeding season they lay between one and three eggs.

What season are baby platypuses born in?

Platypuses are not born - they are hatched as platypuses are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.The platypus breeding season is spring and summer, from about September through to February, sometimes extending to March.

Do platypuses breed when in captivity?

Rarely. Very few zoos or sanctuariies have successfully bred platypuses in captivity. One of Australia's premier zoos, Taronga Zoo, only achieved success breeding platypuses after twenty years.

What time of year are platypuses born?

Platypuses are not born: they are hatched. They are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. The platypus breeding season is spring and summer, from about September through to February, sometimes extending to March. Baby platypuses are incubated by the mother for about ten days before hatching. Hatching can take place anytime during the breeding season.

What is the litter size of a platypus?

Platypuses lay between 1 and 3 eggs each breeding season.

Do baby platypuses like to hide in their mother's pouch?

No. Platypuses do not have a pouch. Marsupials are the mammals characterised (for the most part) by a pouch on the female's abdomen. Platypuses are monotremes, and do not have a pouch. admittedly, the other monotreme, the echidna, does develop a rudimentary pouch during the breeding season, but the platypus does not.

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induced breeding of fish is a technicque of producing fish fry by pituitary injectioning without considering fish attempts. it is a widelt accepted economical breeding programme in an artificial way

When do platypuses make babies?

The platypus's breeding season is spring and summer, from about September through to February, sometimes extending to March.

How many young do platypuses have at a time?

Platypuses lay between one and three eggs at a time, once a year.Their reproductive years extend from around age two to at least the age of nine, but because the platypus is such a shy and reclusive creature, little research has been done into the extent of their reproductive years.