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The Prefix cirro- doesn't specifically mean "high". It means "related to cirrus clouds," which happen to be very high level clouds.

The word cirrus comes from the Latin of the same, meaning "a curl or lock of hair". The clouds were named such because of their resemblance to locks of hair.

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Q: Is the prefix Cirro- referring to high level clouds?
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What are the names of clouds in each cloud level?

Noctilucent clouds are the highest and least understood. Cirrus and cirrostratus are the high-type clouds. Any high cloud will have the prefix "cirr".

What type of weather does a alto cloud bring?

Clouds with the prefix of 'alto' are middle level clouds between 6500 and 23,000 feet. The two alto clouds are altocumulus and altostratus and these types of clouds usually bring precipitation from rain.

What are the three basic clouds?

Stratus or strato = flat/layered and smooth Cumulus or cumulo = heaped up/puffy, like cauliflower Cirrus or cirro = High up/wispy Alto = Medium level Nimbus or Nimbo = Rain-bearing cloud

What are the three basics types clouds?

Stratus or strato = flat/layered and smooth Cumulus or cumulo = heaped up/puffy, like cauliflower Cirrus or cirro = High up/wispy Alto = Medium level Nimbus or Nimbo = Rain-bearing cloud

What is the difference between low level clouds middle level clouds and high level clouds?

All clouds are diffiened into four layers as follows- low level clouds-stratus, stratocumulus,nimbostratus and fog(really low stratus) medium level clouds-altocumulus,altostratus high level clouds-cirrocumulus,cirrostratus and cirrus. many level clouds- these are usually convective clouds like cumulonimbuses. stratocumulus for A+

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There are five major types of clouds. They include high level clouds, mid level clouds, low level clouds, vertically developed clouds and other cloud types.

What are multi-level clouds?

muti-level clouds are heavy precipitation(rainfall) produces. The latin wordnimbo and nibus means rainfall.


high clouds means there will be good weather and low clouds mean stormy weather

What is the lowest level of clouds called?

Stratus clouds.

Can you give me the names of two high level clouds?

No, I can not name two of high level clouds. =P

What are Jupiter clouds made of?

There are three layers of clouds on Jupiter, and each one is composed of different molecules. At one level there are clouds of ammonia, at another level there are clouds made of ammonia and sulfur, and at a third level there are clouds of water (H2O).

The level does the base of clouds mark?

Condensation Level