

Is the sun bigger then a black hole?

Updated: 3/30/2020
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13y ago

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Black holes can be many different sizes. Therefore, there are some black holes that are bigger than the sun, and there are some that are smaller than the sun.

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Q: Is the sun bigger then a black hole?
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Why is the sun considred a black hole?

First of all, our sun can not become a black hole, it is too small for that. However if a star is three times bigger than our sun, then yes it will become a black hole.

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A galaxy is bigger than a black hole.

Why it is impossible for the sun to turn into a black hole?

Simply put, it isn't big enough. A star must have a certain mass to become a black hole after its "death", and the Sun doesn't have enough. Our "Sun" is not big enough, only stars that are a lot bigger will explode and become a black hole.

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No. There not a black hole on the sun or on Jupiter.

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Black Hole Sun was created in 1994-05.

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In theory, yes, a black hole could suck up the sun.

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A black hole has more mass than a neutron star, but if you are comparing volume it would depend on the mass of the black hole. A neutron star is estimated to be about 14 miles in diameter, which is larger than the event horizon of a black hole up to about 3.8 times the mass of the sun. A more massive black hole will be larger.

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Black holes were once massive stars that used up their?

Black holes can only be created when a super massive star explodes. The star has to be 10x bigger then our sun to make a black hole. When our sun explodes it will just create a white dwarf. When the star runs out of hydrogen and helium it explodes and creates a black hole.

Is black holes bigger than galaxies?

A black hole has a much larger mass than a planet. The mass of a black hole, however, is contained in a point that is smaller than some fundamental particles. The event horizon of a typical stellar mass black hole is much smaller than any planet, but the event horizons of supermassive black holes are much larger.

Can a black hole get bigger?

yes, as long as there are things that can fall into it, it can get bigger.