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A lien is always against real property, such as a house. this prevents the property from being sold or used as collateral. A judgment can be anything from the liquidation of assets to garnisment of bank accounts and wages.

Big difference in bankruptcy. There is even a difference in the type of liens. For example, judgment liens are a lot easier to avoid than administrative liens.

Judgment creditors have much less power to affect your plan than lienholders.

These answers are incomplete. For example, there are liens against personal property, including some tax liens and security interests under the uniform commercial code. Consult an experienced competent bankruptcy attorney for a better explanation as soon as possible. Delay, mistakes and acting on incomplete information can be expensive.

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Q: Is there a difference between a lien and a judgment when you go to bankruptcy court or on your credit report?
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Can a judgment be put on your credit if the debt was part of the bankruptcy?

Not if the debt was discharged in the bankruptcy. If the judgment was on the credit report before the bankruptcy was filed and/or was discharged in the bankruptcy, the entry will still remain on the CR for seven years.

How can you get a judgment off your credit report after filing bankruptcy?

If the debt that you were sued over, or the judgment itself was included in your bankruptcy, you only need send a copy of your bankruptcy papers to the credit reporting agencies. The judgment will not "come off", but it should get marked "included in bankruptcy" or "discharged through bankruptcy".

How can you quickly remove a judgment from your credit report?

Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy will not remove a judgment from the debtor's credit report. The judgment will still remain for the required time if it is discharged in bankruptcy, settled or paid in full. Valid judgments remain for the required 7 years. Most judgments are renewable and can be reentered on the debtor's credit report whenever that action is taken.

When a credit card company is awarded a judgment can you include this judgment on a Bankruptcy in CA?

The short answer to this question is YES.

How do you get a judgment to say satisfied on your credit report when it was discharged in your bankruptcy?

If a judgment was included in, and discharged by, your bankruptcy; there is no need to obtain a separate disposition. Write the credit bureaus and send a copy of your bankruptcy papers which show this judgment included. That should suffice to have the judgment removed from your report and the original tradeline from the debt marked "included in BK". Talk with an attorney or go to a bank that has a notary service.

What motion do you file to remove a judgment after BK 7?

The judgment remains as a court record. The credit reporting agencies should report that it has been discharged in bankruptcy. If the bankruptcy remains on your credit report for more than 10 years, you can tell them to remove it.

Will filing a bankruptcy remove a judgment on credit report?

Yes, if it is not a perfected lien against real property and the debt was discharged in the bankruptcy.

What is the difference between debt settlement vs bankruptcy?

There is a subtle difference between debt settlement and bankruptcy. Debt settlement allows a person to pay off some of their debt with their creditors. Bankruptcy claims do not result in payment of the debt. Either practice creates bad credit scores for the consumer.

Will filing chapter 7 bankruptcy get rid of a credit card judgment?

Yes. It is the most common reason for filing for bankruptcy. If the judgment creditor had an execution issued and attached any equity in your home, you may have a problem.

Can you get a civil judgment removed from your credit report if it was included and discharged in a bankruptcy even if the judgment date is later than the bankruptcy discharge date?

No, debts, liens, judgments incurred after a bankruptcy has been filed cannot be included and therefore cannot be discharged in the BK proceedings.AnswerI was informed that if you had included this creditor in your bankruptcy, which was discharged, the creditor should have stoped all actions towards obtaining a judgment against you. I believe this judgment can be discharged by filing a discharge request with the court administrator and only then removed from the credit report. However, if you did not list this creditor on your bankruptcy, then it will prevail. Call the court administrator.

Is it better to enter a judgment on a credit report before or after a bankruptcy filing. I have a judgment that isn't on my ex-husbands credit report. He is filing chapter 7 I won't be dismissed.?

unless the judgment is for damages from: intentional tort, fraud, drunk driving, spouse/child support, they yes your judgment will be discharged

How do you remove a court judgment on your property after receiving a discharge of bankruptcy?

If the judgment was included in the bankruptcy--many are not--then you take the relevant papers showing that it was paid to the court that issued the judgment. If they consider it paid, then they will issue a receipt to you. Send copies to the credit scoring companies and keep one in your permanent file.