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As far as I know, no, there is no end. The timeline continues after the George Lucas movies for hundreds of years. As more authors and illustraters write more comics, short stories, and books, the timeline continues to move on just as our world's timeline moves on.

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Q: Is there an end to the Star Wars timeline?
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Star Wars is loved around the world and the timeline continuously expands as the TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars continues to air, new novels are written each year, and games have been made to either expand the storyline or re-enact an event.

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No it is not a mistake. If you look at the episode guides for season 3 on the main Star Wars website, it reveals that in timeline order, the episodes are mixed around. One episode revealed that in timeline order, the season 2 finale takes place before season 1 finale. So, according to the website, as of now, Season 2 Episode 15 is the last episode in timeline order

When did Star Wars end?

Depends on how old you are

Will there be a order 66 season in star wars the clone wars?

we wont know for sure because the timeline isnt there yet but i think they should it would make a good season for the clone wars

What is the name of the Jail Planet in Star Wars?

Spice mines of Kessel There are many prisons in the star wars but you left out the Star End Prison.