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Some known benefits:Increased agricultural productivity & land (more rain, warmth & Co2)

Longer growing seasons for all plant life

greening of some of the Earth's vast frozen land masses

increased Co2 absorption rate

Less net global energy requirement for humans

Less deforestation for heating fuel

Less cold related severe weather and death

Greater cushion against lower global temp. anomalies (little ice age only -1 or 2 degrees)

more pleasant temperatures for vast majority economic activity and outdoor activity/recreation

MOST IMPORTANTLY: if we are very lucky and warm enough, we may even avert the next ice age: Ice ages are not controversial ideas like global warming, they are real and acknowledged by all scientists regardless of political affiliation. They occur like clockwork, they appear very rapidly, with in a few human generations, and wipe out most animal and plant life on the planet.

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Q: Is there any possible benefit for mankind in case of global warming?
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Would the UK benefit from global warming?

no.the global warming won't benefit anyone

What is the future of mankind due to globle warming?

The mankind will extinct because of global warming. It is the heating of earth surface.

Is God causing global warming?

No. Mankind is. Scientists estimate nature may be responsible for 2% of the measured global warming.

Is Not a possible consequence of global warming?

Reduction in secondary pollutants is not a possible consequence of global warming.

Is it possible global warming is not as serious as everyone says?

It is possible, but that is difficult to say, as there is no single consensus on the magnitude of the impact of global warming.

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Global warming is more dangerous since a nuclear bomb or explosion could wipe out a population of one country or more but global warming can wipe out the existence of all Mankind on Earth.

What are the effects of green houses on global warming?

They are a benefit in that they sequester CO2.

Is it possible for the ozone layer to recover from global warming?

Yes, it is possible for the ozone layer to recover from global warming. This can be done by stopping the emission of greenhouse gases.

What is the difference between global warming and global cooling?

Global warming is when the global average annual temperature is generally trending upward. Global cooling is when it is trending downward.A:Global warming is happening now. Global warming is not beyond the control of mankind. It is being caused by our dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which we are burning to produce electricity.

Is the government hiding global warming from citizens?

It is not possible for the government to be hiding global warming from citizens. However, it can be said that the government is not creating enough awareness campaigns which will prevent global warming.

How can a ice cube help benefit the world?

it will help benefit the world by saving animals in the artic from global warming

Is global warming the beginning of the end for life on Earth?

It has not yet been confirmed but it could cause apocalyptic natural disasters, such as gigantic floods. Any number of possible scenarios could bring about the end of mankind, and possibly all other life on earth. Global warming is one scenario. Others include: large asteroid impact; global thermonuclear war; global pandemic virus; overpopulation and resulting lack of resources; multiple supervolcano eruptions. While all these are possibilities the odds vary from one scenario to another. Even if mankind survives into the far future, billions of years hence, they would still be faced with the inevitable death of the universe.