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Depends on your hair color. If you are blond, then it's your normal hair color. If you are not a blond, then it might be discharges or dirts. Wash it away if that's the case.

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Q: Is thick yellow looking pubic hair growing on your scrotum a symptom of something?
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I would say its a symptom of something. You should get an appointment with the vet.

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Anything can be a symptom of something, contact a doctor if you're seriously concerned about it.

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yes, hunger

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A syndrome is a medical condition, and a symptom is something that is noticed that may be used to diagnose a medical condition.

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Since it something that the Casualty is feeling it is a Symptom. Good luck on your Pre-Course Assessment Workbook ;)

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Something serious. See a doctor

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If a child's only symptom is a high temperature, it means you have not been looking in the right place for the cause of the high temperature.

What are the signs and symptoms of testicular torsion?

THE PAIN, severe pain in the scrotum is the symptom in the torsion of testis. Pain is so severe that the patient can land up in shock. Ultrasound scan is diagnostic for this condition and should not be delayed.

Is semen stored in the scrotum?

sure, why not? Well, while this very painful and possibly detrimental symptom can occur, AKA hydrocele, very unlikely. The epididemus prevents this from happening.

Is rocking back and forth while talking when sitting or standing a symptom of ADD or something worse?

It is a symptom of autism, though having only one symptom does not mean you have the disease. Try looking up autism to see if any other symptoms apply. It can mean your stressed or tense. I know individuals that do this, and the best thing to do is relax. This increases tension build up is not good for your health, and can decrease you life expectancy.

What does the research indicate about journal therapy?

A growing number of studies indicate symptom improvement in those with both psychiatric and physical disorders.