

Is utility bill a variable cost?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Technically speaking, it is a Fixed cost. Although the price may vary from month to month, it will always be within a fixed range.

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Q: Is utility bill a variable cost?
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utility bill

What is Average cost and variable cost?

Variable costs depends on how much is used. Ex: water bill. people can have a lot or not much but depends on how much.

Is a water bill considered a utility bill?

yes. Water companies are overseen by state utility regulators. They are utility companies. The water bill, therefore is a utility bill.

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No a doctor bill would not be considered a utility bill.

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If direct labor don't change with number of units product then it is fixed cost but if it changes with the change in production units then it Is variable cost.

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No the 407 is a bill for using a toll road. If you drive through, the transponder notes your passage and mails the bill with the cost of the road usage to you.

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In semi variable cost :variable cost = change in cost/change in output then with that rate * output = variable cost semi variable cost - variable cost = fixed cost

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No, an Internet bill is not classified as an utility bill. An Internet bill would be more for entertainment and not a must have thing.

Five examples of variable cost in a restaurant?

Variables costs in an establishment are costs that vary depending on uncontrollable or unpredictable circumstances. Some variable costs in a restaurant include the cost of labor, ingredients, utility bills, and operational materials like cups, napkins, and plates.

Marginal versus variable costing?

Variable cost refers to the TOTAL variable cost of all units, whereas marginal cost is the variable cost of the last unit only. Variable cost is the sum of all the individual marginal costs. The derivative of the Variable Cost is the Marginal Cost. The integral of the Marginal cost is the Variable Cost.

What is the average utility bill in the United States?

The average utility bill is: $264.33 per month.

What are variable direct costs?

They are costs that involve an element of both fixed and variable costs eg a telephone bill involves line rental (fixed) plus cost for calls made (variable)