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Being dry means free of any liquids. Since water is a liquid and sand is a solid, sand is actually much drier than water.

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Q: Is water actually much drier than sand?
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Why is there water under the sand?

This is most likely due to gravity. As water travels over the sand from a wave or swift tide, water begins to drain down through the drier sand on the shore. Gravity pulls the water downward under the top layer of sand.

How much sand do you put in a sand crabs water?

a lot because they get the water from the sand so just go to a mudflat thing and get a handful of waterlogged sand

Why does sand hold so much water?

Because the sand is electrically charged

How wet should the sand be to make a sand caslte?

Fairly soaked, because the water makes the sand stick together and makes it easier to shape into your desired form. Just remember- the higher you go the drier it needs to be, because wet sand is heavy. One more thing- if you've got a large form near the water, use dry sand when adding to the base of your castle. Wet sand will not stick as well.

How much water sand absorb?

by the SUN

Is 5 gallons of water heavier than 5 gallons of sand?

Five gallons of sand would actually weigh more than five gallons of water.

Why would sand cool faster than water in the dark?

The specific heat capacity of sand is much less than that of water. Hence sand cools earlier.

Where is the sixth water item on the beach?

The water item at the beach is actually that green sand bucket! Hope that helps!

Is Sand man stronger than spider man?

Yes,sandman actually can turn into sand,when spiderman attack,his only weakness is water.

How does Eragon plan to get water from the desert?

His first plan is to change sand into water. When that takes too much energy, he raises the water that already exists below the sand.

Sand is in water?

No. The water is in the sand.

How rough is black sand?

black sand is actually very smooth and soft. its pretty much like regular sand (roughness wise) but its a bit rockier, like holding sand and grinded pebbles